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Dell Riser for R330 with One x16 PCIe Gen3 FH slot (x8 PCIe lanes) and One x16 PCIe Gen3 LP slot (x8 PCIe lanes), R330 CusKit (330-BBGF) 330-BBGF

В наличии Бренды DELL Артикул: 330-BBGF

Описание Dell Riser for R330 with One x16 PCIe Gen3 FH slot (x8 PCIe lanes) and One x16 PCIe Gen3 LP slot (x8 PCIe lanes), R330 CusKit (330-BBGF)

Райзер-карта Dell Riser for R330 with One x16 PCIe Gen3 FH slot (x8 PCIe lanes) and One x16 PCIe Gen3 LP slot (x8 PCIe lanes), R330 CusKit

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